Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day! The Ultimate Pi Day of the Century.

Ooo... such a beautiful sequence of numbers this is! Today is the day that Pi and time collide and for an infinitesimally long bit Pi is repeated forever...
At least in the artificial construct we call time. All I know is that we don't have enough of it. Even Elder Spawn got to experience little of the small death known as sleep this week with homework and rehearsals. She is a number fanatic and obsesses about sequences, but is opting to sleep in. We have another chance in the PM, but we will be watching Joshua Bell from the third row center at the Kauffman Center.We could be on a cruise ship full of Spring Break extroverts instead. Nah.

 I know a lawyer who memorized Pi out to 2,000 places, backwards and forwards. I'm consistently remember 3.14. But for today, we can contemplate the great beyond:
3.141592665335989793238462 etc.

Thanks for geeking out with me!


  1. I don't think I've seen that typeface before. I thought about incorporating Pi into my post today, but decided not to do it.

  2. Indeed, that is an awesome typeface. It is enough to bring me out of collecting retirement. Lettera 22, huh - I feel the excitement of the hunt already.

  3. Numbers and computations... them and my brain do not mix! That said, I love the font on that typewriter.


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