Friday, May 25, 2012

Geek Pride Day!

Today is Geek Pride Day!  It is also the 35th anniversary of Star Wars Episode IV.  In some quarters it is Towel Day in celebration of the Hitchhiker's Guide.  To celebrate, I have posted some photos of some of my favorite geeky things.


  1. Dwayne, you hoopy frood! May the Force be with you!

  2. Robots! Dinos! Typewriters! (an Oliver even). Oh be still my heart. All the awesomeness in a single place. Really fun post - thanks!

  3. Great use for an old 829B, I believe. I like the Torpedo and then there is the Sony camera. Neat post. You should have been at the thrift shop my wife & I visited about a week ago. It was loaded with little robot kind of things and toys. No typewriters, but plenty of old vinyl & Geek kind of toys.

  4. You are a House Full of Nerds all in one person! And Episode IV will always just be "Star Wars" to me. :-)

  5. Hey there i have a robot just like the one in the photo that kind of has a storm trooper head. Can you tell me anything about it? Mine is white and in the box fresh as don't hink it has ever been used.



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