Monday, April 1, 2013

Woodstock "Rare No. 4 Model in Untouched Form"

This appeared on ebay a day too early for April Fool's Day. It is still pretty funny! Behold an "untouched" machine!
Stunning! See it on ebay! Item number
Here is a part of the description:

You are bidding on a Woodstock Number 4 Antique typewriter. This piece has been sitting covered , indoors for over 70 years. If you're looking at this then you know what it is - THE REAL DEAL.

We have lightly cleaned it but will allow the winner to polish , clean, buff , oil and make any adjustments.

Everything seems to work just fine and we dont see any missing parts at all. It is a true antique that has been untouched or fooled with. 

 Thank goodness this machine hasn't been touched or fooled with! Happy April Fool's Day, everyone!



  1. Ouch.

    At $9.99, it could be a good parts machine or restoration project -- for a local buyer who wouldn't have to pay for shipping!

  2. Looks like it could be restored to me.

  3. maybe it bites - that's why they won't touch it.

  4. Well, it's clear that no serviceman has laid his hands on that thing for decades! Maybe that's what the seller means by "untouched"?


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